Dedicated to Promoting the
Breeding, Ownership
and Exhibition of the
American Quarter

Northern West Virginia
Quarter Horse Association (NWVQHA)
2021 Shows have been canceled NWVQHA Shows
We are looking forward to 2022!
Northern West Virginia Quarter Horse Association strives to develop and encourage positive participation in Quarter Horse activities throughout West Virginia in cooperation with the American Quarter Horse Association. Our goal is to promote and stimulate the sale, breeding, exhibition and ownership of the American Quarter Horse.
Above all, the Northern West Virginia Quarter Horse Association encourages a strong sense of sportsmanship and family values with solid integrity in all activities. We insist on the humane and dignified treatment of the American Quarter Horse by owners, trainers, and exhibitors. We aim to make each competitor and horse feel at ease – and at home.

Join us as we tie tradition to excellence!
View the patterns for the 2021 Shows have been canceled show at WVU’s JW Ruby Research Farm in Reedsville, West Virginia.
Download 2021 Shows have been canceled forms and information including the NWVQHA Membership Form, Horse Nomination Form, Show Entry Form, and Trainer Form.

We are located off the Kingwood Pike in Reedsville, WV. Please contact us with any questions or to pre-pay for your stall and camper hookups.
Note: GPS and Google Maps, etc. will direct you to the wrong way and/or a difficult route when hauling horses. Please print a copy of the directions as provided.
Learn more about the arenas, stalls, and amenities available on-site at the top-notch JW Ruby Research Farm encompassing more than 900 acres in rural Reedsville, WV (just outside Morgantown, WV).
If you would like more information about the American Quarter Horse, be sure to visit the American Quarter Horse Association.